The subconscious mind is a powerful tool that can be harnessed to help you achieve your goals and lead a successful life. However, many of us are unaware of the negative thoughts, beliefs, and patterns that our subconscious mind holds, which can hold us back from reaching our full potential. Fortunately, it is possible to reprogram your subconscious mind!
In his book ‘The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind’, author Joseph Murphy describes the conscious mind as the active mind, and the subconscious mind as the passive mind. The conscious mind is made up of all the thoughts and feeling we’re aware of in any given moment. We use it to solve problems and make decisions throughout the day.
The subconscious mind, on the other hand, is everything we’re not aware of but is influencing every thought and behaviour we have. It is made up of everything we’ve learned and experienced in our lives until now. These experiences then create our habitual thoughts and beliefs, and these go on to influence every area of our lives. In a similar way to an iceberg, the part of the mind we are aware of (the conscious mind) is only a tiny fraction of the whole, and about 90% actually lies beneath the surface (the subconscious mind).
Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind:
The subconscious mind is responsible for many of our automatic actions such as breathing, digestion, and even our emotions. It also plays a significant role in our decision-making process and the way we perceive the world around us. The subconscious mind is constantly active, even when we’re not consciously aware of it. It’s like a computer program that runs in the background, influencing our thoughts, behaviours, and actions.
Due to the huge influence our subconscious mind have on our lives, it’s not surprising that reprogramming it can lead to increadibly positive results. If you’re struggling to reach your goals and become the person you want to be, your current thoughts and behaviours are likely to blame. However, reprogramming your subconscious mind will enable you to align your thoughts and behaiours with your goals and make becoming your ideal self a much easier process.
Here are some techniques that can help you reprogram your subconscious mind for success:
Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself regularly, in order to change negative thoughts and beliefs into positive ones. They can be used to reprogram your subconscious mind with thoughts of success and positivity. Some examples of affirmations include “I am fit and healthy”, “I am extremely productive” or “I am a confident person”.
It’s important to make sure that the affirmations are written in the present tense, and that they align with your goals. You don’t need to believe them yet, because the more you repeat them to yourself, the more your subconscious mind will absorb them and turn them into subconscious beliefs. Repeat them to yourself daily, either in the morning or before going to bed.
When you start to believe these things about yourself, your beaviour will begin to reflect your new self-image. For example, when you continue to tell yourself that you’re fit and healthy, you will find yourself opting for healthier behaviours throughout the day, as your mind doesn’t like to contradict its self-image.
Visualization is the process of imagining yourself achieving your goal in your own mind. It’s important to make sure that you visualize your goal with in much detail as possible, and to use all of your senses when doing so. For example, visualise yourself going to the gym every morning. Try to imagine what this will look like, sound like, feel like, smell like and evevn taste like. Try to allow your visualisation to evoke strong emotions whilst you do this, such as feeling proud or excited.
This can help to reprogram your subconscious mind with the belief that you are capable of achieving your goal as you have already achieved it vividly in your mind. Similarly to affirmations, visualisation must be practiced regularly (preferably daily) in order to see results from it.
Analyzing your thoughts and beliefs can help you identify any negative patterns or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from reaching your goals. Once you have identified these negative thoughts and beliefs, you can work on replacing them with positive ones. Self-reflection allows you to become aware of the thoughts that are holding you back, and to take control of them.
Try journaliing at the end of the day, and asking yourself:
– What went well today?
– What didn’t go so well?
– What are the positive or negative beliefs and thoughts behind these outcomes?
In the case of the fitness example, you may recognise that you’re not always going to the gym when you say you will because you believe that you look silly as a beginner and that people will be judging you. After recognising this negative belief, try to replace it with a positive one, such as ‘everyone starts out as a beginner, and no one will be watching me as they will be busy focusing on their own workout’.
Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can be used to bypass the conscious mind and directly access the subconscious mind. By using hypnosis, you can reprogram your subconscious mind with positive thoughts and beliefs about yourself and your abilities. Hypnosis can help you to overcome limiting beliefs, fears, and habits that are holding you back from achieving your goals.
Hypnosis works by getting your conscious mind to relax so deeply that your subconscious mind becomes very open and susceptible to suggestions (affirmations). For self-hypnosis recources I highly recommend the youtube channel by Micheal Sealy. You’ll likely find a hypnosis session there for any habit or belief you’d like to change.
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming):
This is a set of tools and techniques for changing the way we think, feel and communicate to achieve specific goals. NLP can help you to identify and change limiting beliefs, and communicate more effectively, with yourself and others. NLP includes techniques such as reframing, anchoring, and rapport building.
Regular meditation has been shown to help reduce stress, improve focus, and increase self-awareness. By meditating on a regular basis, you can become more aware of your thoughts and beliefs and work on reprogramming your subconscious mind. Meditation can help you to detach yourself from negative thoughts and to focus on the present moment.
For more information on meditation and how to practice it, read my artice on it here.
Reprogramming your subconscious mind for success is a process that takes time and patience. It’s important to be consistent in implementing the techniques that work best for you, and to be patient with yourself as you work through the process.
I’ve had a lot of success in reprogramming my subconscious mind using many of the techniques described above. Doing this is something that has changed every area of my life and it’s something that I can’t recommend enough to anyone who’s trying to improve their lives and reach their goals! Try the techniques and find the ones that work best for you!
If you have any questions about reprogramming the subconscious mind, leave a comment below!